Muon accelerator studies requests

June 29, 2018

J. Morgan



Delivery Ring wire profiles and beam intensity for turns 0 to 4 -Jim Morgan and Brian Drendel

Impact to Experiment: High / Priority: Moderate


The goal is to gather PWC and ion chamber data for turns 0 to 4, comparing normal operating conditions with intentionally missteered and optically distorted beam.


This study doesn't require experimental readbacks, but is best performed when beam can be transported down the M4 Line (no access to the MC-1 Hall). Alternatively, beam can be kicked by EKIK and should mostly be lost on the extraction Lambertson. Turns will be varied by adjusting the Abort Kicker timing. Data will be gathered for the PWC's under normal conditions, then with beam missteered from the end of M3 in both planes, then with quadrupoles at the end of M5 and/or the Delivery Ring changed. The specific devices will be chosen and some experimentation may be required to finalize the choice Total duration of the study is about 2 hours.


Abort Line efficiency - Jim Morgan (Dean and Jerry may also participate, if available), assisted by Brian Drendel

Impact to Experiment: Low / Priority: Moderate


The goal is to improve efficiency and try to understand why measured intensity at the abort dump is only about 30% of what the simulation predicts.


This study should be scheduled during experiment downtime, including access into the MC-1 Hall. Beam does not need to go beyond the Delivery Ring for this study and it's likely that protons would be sent to the experiment. Part of the study will be performed with beam being aborted on the first turn so D50 trims can be used to adjust the orbit or augment kicker bend. Study duration is estimated at 1 - 2 hours.




Three-turn proton removal -Jim Morgan with assistance from g-2 to set up T0 detector, g-2 DAQ needs to be working

Impact to Experiment: Moderate / Priority: Low


The goal is to see if proton removal with three turns instead of four is viable for routine operation (protons eliminated, minimal impact to stored muons)


Delivery Ring and g-2 experiment kicker timers delays will be shortened by one turn to extract beam after three turns instead of four. The g-2 T0 detectors will need to be set up so that the time domain of the beam can be observed. This is needed for fine-tuning the Delivery Ring abort kicker time delay, especially critical because the gap between protons and muons is smaller than for four-turn proton removal. The g-2 DAQ needs to be running both for the T-0 detector signals and for the stored muon count to quantify the change (probably reduction) in stored muons. Total duration of the study is 1 - 2 hours.



End of M5 wire data with g-2 magnet off -Diktys Stratakis assisted by Brian Drendel and assistance from the experiment to export IBMS data.

Impact to Experiment: High / Priority: Moderate


The goal is to quantify TWISS parameters at the end of the M5 Line, using PWC025 and IBMS1 & 2 with the g-2 Magnet off.


This study requires the g-2 magnet to be off, so that the IBMS2 profile is not altered by the g-2 magnet field. Therefore, the study needs to be coordinated to occur when the magnet is off. The measurements will only take 15 minutes or so. Assistance from the experiment will be needed to export the raw data from the IBMS’s.